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Reference ID | Created | Released | Classification | Origin |
05ROME3802 | 2005-11-17 14:28 | 2011-08-30 01:44 | UNCLASSIFIED | Embassy Rome |
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
REF: STATE 88850
¶1. (U) In May 2005, the Embassy delivered the USG verbal
note transmitted in reftel to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(MFA). This note offered the GOI the opportunity to sign
blanket end-use, retransfer, and security assurances for
U.S.-origin defense articles, related training, or defense
services. On October 18, the MFA replied with the note
verbale in paragraph two, number 229/411332, providing the
assurances requested in reftel. Please note that the body of
the note from the MFA was in English, with openings and
closings in Italian that have been translated below. The
original note verbale will be sent to PM/RSAT by pouch.
¶2. (U) (Begin text of note verbale)
Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri presenta i suoi complimenti
all'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d'America ed ha l'onore di
riferirsi alla Sua Nota Verbale protocollo n. 419 del maggio
2005 per confermarLa quanto seque: (Translation: Customary
opening with reference to our note verbale number 419 of 18
May 2005. End translation.)
"The Embassy of the United States of America presents its
compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian
Republic and has the honor to refer to the provisions of
United States law that require the Government of the United
States of America, prior to consenting to a government's
retransfer of U.S. sold or granted defense articles or
related training or other defense services (including
technical data) to the Government of the Republic of Italy,
to obtain from the Government of the Republic of Italy the
assurances in paragraphs A and B below (end-use, retransfer
and security assistances).
In order to expedite such retransfers by having standing
bilateral end-use, retransfer, and security assurances from
governments identical to those assurances contained herein,
the Government of the United States of America proposes that
the Government of the Republic of Italy agree that:
(A) The Government of the Republic of Italy shall not, unless
the prior written consent of the Government of the United
States of America has first been obtained;
(I) Permit any use by anyone not an officer, employee or
agent of the Government of the Republic of Italy of any U.S.
sold or granted defense articles or related training or other
defense service;
(II) Transfer, or permit any officer, employee, or agent of
the Government of the Republic of Italy to transfer such
defense articles or related training or other defense service
by gift, sale, or otherwise; and;
(III) Use, or permit the use of, such defense articles or
related training or other defense service for purposes other
than those for which provided.
(B) The Government of the Republic of Italy will maintain the
security of such articles or services and will provide
substantially the same degree of security protection afforded
to such articles or services by the Government of the United
States of America.
The Government of the United States of America provides
herein its written consent in advance to the Government of
the Republic of Italy to retransfer defense articles and
services not referred to in Annex B to governments listed in
Annex A.
The Government of the United States of America further
proposes that the Government of the Republic of Italy agree
to report to the Government of the United States of America
all retransfers undertaken on the basis of this advance
consent by listing all defense articles retransferred, their
original acquisition value, and the government recipient of
such articles. Such report must be provided to the
Government of the United States of America promptly, but in
no case later than thirty (30) days after the retransfer.
The Government of the United States reserves the right to
suspend this advance retransfer consent at any time, with the
result that the Government of the Republic of Italy would
thereby be required to seek from the Government of the United
States of America on a case-by-case basis advance written
consent to retransfer U.S. sold or granted defense articles,
related training or other defense services.
The Ministry's reply stating that the foregoing is acceptable
to the Government of the Republic of Italy shall together
with this note constitute an Agreement between the two
governments to be effective upon the date of the Ministry's
Annex A currently consists of Afghanistan, Albania, Belgium,
Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Georgia, Hungary, Iraq,
Israel, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Morocco, New
Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Oman, Tunisia, Turkey, and United
Arab Emirates, all of which have provided blanket assurances.
Annex B (articles for which advance consent to retransfer is
not granted, but will be determined on a case-by-case basis)
includes: 1) classified defense articles, 2) defense articles
with a combined original acquisition value exceeding $7
million, 3) U.S.-origin defense articles not already in the
inventory of the proposed recipient."
Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri ha l'onore di informare
l'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d'America che il Governo
italiano e d'accordo in merito al contenuto della Nota
Verbale sopradescritta. (Translation: The Ministry of
Foreign Affairs has the honor to inform the Embassy of the
United States of America that the Italian Government agrees
to the content and merit of the above Note Verbale. End
Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri si avvale dell'occasione per
rinnovare all'Ambasciate degli Stati Uniti d'America le
assicurazioni della sua piu alta considerazione. (Customary
(Signed) Rome, 18 October 2005
(End Note Verbale)
¶3. (SBU) Comment: The MFA official who delivered the note
verbale, Dr. Giovanni Manfredi, stated that this note did not
have much practical application to the GOI since the GOI does
not have many surplus defense articles which are covered by
the blanket assurances. The GOI agreed to provide these
assurances, according to Manfredi, because it wants to enter
into other agreements with the USG, specifically with the
Department of Defense, and these blanket assurances are a
necessary step towards entering into further agreements. End