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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
09MADRID826 2009-08-17 06:07 2011-08-24 16:30 UNCLASSIFIED Embassy Madrid
INFO  LOG-00   AF-00    AID-00   AMAD-00  CA-00    CIAE-00  INL-00   
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R 170607Z AUG 09
E.O. 12958: N/A 
1.  Summary:  Volunteer activity is increasingly common in Spain, 
although there are lingering historic, social and cultural factors 
that affect the ability/willingness of individuals to engage in or 
initiate activities.  This report provides an overview of Spanish 
volunteerism and charitable activity.  It outlines Spanish 
government support for volunteerism and identifies key ministries 
involved in program support.  A review of the political parties, 
private sector, education system, press, and non-governmental 
organizations highlights the broad range of civil society activism. 
End Summary. 
2.   Volunteer activity is increasingly common in Spain, although 
there are lingering historic, social and cultural factors in play 
that affect the ability/willingness of individuals to engage in or 
initiate activities.  Community service and social assistance are 
closely-linked and typically regarded as a government responsibility 
in Spain.  Instead of organizing discreet volunteer activities to 
"fill a perceived gap", many Spaniards might lobby for the 
government or a NGO to provide a needed social service, believing 
that it would also create a job opportunity as well.  While the 
Church may not be deemed primarily responsible for charitable 
initiatives, its role is often assumed, especially given the 
Catholic Church's historically prominent role in Spanish society. 
Also, Spanish law requires financial institutions to set aside a 
percentage of profits to fund social welfare institutions, thereby 
reducing the inclination of private citizens to devote their leisure 
hours to volunteerism.  Some social commentators attribute the lack 
of widespread volunteerism to the long-term effects of the Spanish 
Civil War.   Many people participated in civic action groups 
affiliated with political parties during the 1920s and 30s, only to 
face severe repression as territories and allegiances shifted during 
the war years.  During the Franco dictatorship, there were similar 
disincentives for citizens to initiate volunteer activity, outside 
of officially sanctioned programs by the central government or the 
predominant Catholic Church.  Reliance on government assistance 
combined with cultural norms results in a disinclination toward 
regular volunteer activity.  Other factors include common strong 
family ties whereby people have obligations with their parents and 
grandparents during weekends and other free time that might 
otherwise be devoted to volunteer activity.  Similarly, many people 
remain close to their place of birth as they enter the work force. 
Therefore, they may not seek out volunteer opportunities as a way of 
entering a new community, making new friends or acquiring new 
3.  Spaniards understand the concept and value of volunteerism and 
almost everybody knows somebody who has volunteered.  However, many 
say that they do not volunteer on a regular, formal basis.  For 
example, unlike in the U.S. and other European countries, for 
Spaniards entering the job market, volunteer work is not a valued 
addition to one's resume when seeking employment.  The typical 
volunteer profile generally consists of youth/university students 
interested in community activism, members of a religious community 
motivated by charitable works, or wealthy patrons subsidizing 
charitable organizations with financial contributions. 
4.  A study by Universidad de Zaragoza professors claims that 17.6 
percent of the citizenry has participated in volunteerism in Spain 
and that one in four employed Spaniards work in the civil society or 
NGO sector, as opposed to the private or public sectors.  However, 
this statistic is easily misinterpreted -- one in six people 
volunteering once in his/her life does not necessarily signify a 
strong volunteer environment in Spain.  The survey reflects the 
occasional participation of Spaniards in community service 
activities.  Volunteerism takes many forms.  For example, Spain has 
several programs in which families bring disadvantaged youth or 
refugee children (from Western Sahara, Eastern Europe, Palestine, 
Sub-Saharan Africa, etc.) to live in their homes for 6-8 weeks each 
summer.  Umbrella organizations organizing the homestays include: 
Paz Ahora, Movimiento Contra La Intolerancia, Sunrise Africa, and 
Infancia Solidaria. 
5.  While most Spaniards do not actively volunteer, there are 
opportunities available.  The number of NGOs has increased 
exponentially since the 1980s and since the 1990s the Spanish 
government has institutionalized support for volunteerism.  In 1980 
there were 10 registered NGOs operating in Spain.  According to a 
recent article published by Europa Press, there are currently 400 
NGOs registered in Spain and one in four Spanish citizens work in 
civil society.  There is no doubt that volunteerism is gradually 
increasing in Spain, as evidenced by official government support for 
civil society action and the wide range of NGOs soliciting 
volunteers, however, many groups rely on paid staff to carry out 
their activities. 
Volunteerism Embraced by Spanish Law 
6.  Spain passed a Volunteerism Law in January 1996.  The 
Volunteerism Law acknowledges that social initiatives and civic 
participation promote greater solidarity and a higher quality of 
life and guarantees that Spanish citizens have the legal right to 
volunteer for whichever causes they see fit.  Secondly, it 
recognizes the obligation of the State to work to improve the 
efficiency of volunteerism in Spain. 
National Plans for Volunteerism 
7.  There have been three "plans" for Volunteerism in Spain, to 
prioritize and align volunteerism strategies.  The first plan lasted 
from 1997-2000 and the second from 2001-2004.  The third and most 
current plan for 2005-2009 seeks to improve the citizen solidarity 
and strengthen social action in Spain.  The National Plan is based 
on inputs from public administrations both at the autonomous and 
local levels, NGOs, universities, labor unions and the business 
community.   The plan presents a cross-sector consensus on social 
welfare policies; it outlines coordination strategies, designates 
areas that need attention and assistance and establishes goals, 
indicators and program evaluations. 
Spanish Government Entities Support Volunteerism 
8.  The Ministry of Labor and Immigration: 
The primary Spanish government ministry that oversees and promotes 
domestic volunteerism in Spain is the Ministry of Labor and 
Immigration.  It  oversees and funds "La Platforma del Voluntariado 
de Espaa" (PVE).  This NGO (known as an ONG in Spain) created in 
1986 coordinates and promotes volunteerism and social action in 
Spain.  PVE is comprised of 77 volunteer organizations representing 
more than 800,000 volunteers throughout Spain.  It also represents 
Spain at the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), 
which claims to be the only international organization that exists 
to solely promote and support volunteerism among all people.  The 
PVE and the Labor Ministry co-manage Spain's annual National 
Volunteerism that brings together people from all over Spain 
including youth, NGOs and government ministries to discuss enhancing 
volunteerism in Spain.  The Ministry of Health and Social Policy 
also plays a role in the National Volunteerism Congress, and 
coordinates Spain's State Plans for Volunteerism. 
9.  The Ministry of Health and Social Policy: 
The Health Ministry manages the National Council of Social Action 
NGOs (a consultative body, comprised of some of the country's 
largest NGOs) whose aim is to encourage NGO participation and to 
assist Spain's vulnerable populations.  The Council contains member 
groups spanning issues from Social Inclusion and Employment to 
Volunteerism to Gender and Equality. 
10.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation: 
Spain's volunteer efforts in the international arena are funded 
within the Foreign Affairs Ministry by the Spanish Agency for 
International Cooperation and Development (AECID), which focuses on 
the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and combats 
global poverty.  It works with a variety of development-focused NGOs 
throughout the world utilizing volunteer services.  AECID also 
subsidizes Spain-based development NGOs with public funds totaling 
almost 187 million euros in 2009. 
Political Parties Support Civic Action Rather Than Specific 
Volunteer Programs 
11.  Spain's two major political parties encourage civic action as 
part of their social development objectives.  While each party 
supports various organizations, the parties themselves do not 
actively promote volunteerism.   Within the governing Spanish 
Socialist Worker's Party (PSOE), a "Social Movements Secretariat" 
promotes volunteerism in several different organizations including 
the Development NGO Coordinator (CONGD) and Solidarity 
International, both which focus on international issues such as 
expanding human rights and combating poverty in underdeveloped 
nations.  Domestically, the PSOE encourages young people to take an 
active role in the Jaime Vera School, a national foundation aimed at 
reshaping today's youth and encouraging PSOE affiliation, and 
another organization promoting rights of the PSOE's Lesbians, Gays, 
Transsexual or Bisexual (LGTB) members. 
12.  The opposition People's Party (PP), supports its affiliate 
think tank, the Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies, which is 
committed to the political ideas and activities of the reformist 
center-right.  The PP also funds the Humanism and Democracy 
Foundation, which addresses international development issues and 
promotes liberty, democracy and tolerance.  Another organization in 
which the PP encourages civic participation is Women In Equality, 
which promotes the advancement and participation of women across all 
aspects of society. 
13.  Spanish law requires financial institutions to give a 
percentage of their profits to social causes through "solidarity 
funds".   These funds typically take the form of foundations created 
and controlled by the banks.  In 2007, savings banks donated more 
than 1.8 billion euros to NGO activities, up from 660 million euros 
in 2006.  For example, Bank Santander's foundation is a cultural 
organization to increase accessibility of arts.  It organizes 
exhibits, hosts conferences and seminars, promotes classical music 
and supports education and research programs, among other things. 
Banesto's foundation works with Microsoft Iberca to help smaller 
businesses to apply new technologies and approve their efficiency, 
capacity and competitiveness through an online media portal named 
Escuela Banespyme.  The BBVA Foundation promotes scientific training 
and research, specifically in the areas of Environment, Biomedicine 
and Health, Economy and Society, Basic Sciences and Technology, and 
Arts and Humanities.  It funds research, educational seminars, 
training and grants.  Another bank, Caja Madrid, sponsors the PVE 
and Ministry of Labor's social development agenda.  Additionally, 
Caja Madrid's Foundation promotes knowledge and cultural development 
in Spain.  It also has a social work branch that creates and helps 
disabled and socially excluded people find employment and live 
stable, productive lives.  Caja Madrid claims responsibility for 
creating 13,000 jobs for these populations. 
Private Sector Beginning to Focus On Corporate Volunteerism 
14.   Aside from the legally required financial institution 
foundations, corporate community activism/volunteerism is not 
widespread in Spain.  Just as many U.S. companies encourage and 
often require staff to participate in volunteer projects, a small 
number of American firms operating in Spain also promote corporate 
volunteerism here.  CitiBank Spain funds Junior Achievement 
promoting financial education for at-risk youth.   In 2007, 30 
percent of CitiBank Spain employees participated in volunteer 
activities, 67 employees taught in schools in disadvantaged areas of 
Madrid, Barcelona, Seville Valencia and Huelva and the firm 
estimates that more than 1,000 people benefitted from the work of 
CitiSpain's 400 volunteers.  Another U.S. company, Canon, supports 
Barcelona-based Global Humanitaria, an NGO that works in Latin 
America, Africa and Asia to address children's education, health, 
socioeconomic development and human rights. 
One Spanish enterprise of great social significance is the 
Corporacisn Empresarial ONCE (CEOSA), whose goal is to make a profit 
while rendering social services and creating jobs for the disabled. 
Its non-profit side, ONCE, assists the blind in Spain by teaching 
orientation and mobility techniques as well as helping treat the 
psychosocial effects that going blind can cause.  In 2003, the 
profit center, CEOSA, employed almost 1,500 disabled people - 
primarily through a very popular lottery program that ONCE operates 
throughout Spain. 
Volunteerism and the Education System 
15.   Most Catholic high schools, and some private secondary 
schools, require a community service component.  Additionally, most 
universities have a volunteer office to link students with 
opportunities.  The following is a partial list of universities that 
offer volunteerism opportunities:  Extremadura, Pablo de Olavide de 
Seville, Autonoma de Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Zaragoza, 
Murcia, Salamanca, Tenerife, Deusto, Alcala, Malaga, Ianza Instituto 
Internacional Juan Pablo II, Valladolid, Cantabria, Cdiz, Rey Juan 
Carlos, Europea de Madrid, Granda, Seville, Almera, Catolica de 
Valencia San Vicente Martir, Francisco de Vitoria, Catolica de 
Murcia, Huelva, Burgos, Navarra, Cataluna and Vigo.  In Andaluca, 
all universities in the region participate in a joint volunteer 
program, known as Programa Andaluz de Voluntariado Universitario 
that focuses on natural resource conservation and other 
environmental issues. 
Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)Utilize Volunteers 
16.  The largest NGOs in Spain are Cruz Roja Espanola with 750,000 
members (483 million euro budget), Medicos sin Fronteras with 
370,000 members and Intermon-Oxfam with 257,000.  Caritas, 
affiliated with the Catholic Church, counts 65,000 volunteers and 
has a 185 million euro budget.  Other influential NGOs that offer a 
variety of social services include El Instituto de Trabajo Social y 
de Servicios Sociales (INTRESS), the Red Espaola de Desarrollo 
Rural (REDR) and Spain's branch of the European Anti Poverty Network 
- EAPN (Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusisn 
Social).    In addition, many of the same NGOs that are powerful in 
the U.S. are also influential in Spain.  These included 
organizations like the Salvation Army, the Multiple Sclerosis 
Foundation, Greenpeace and World Vision.  The following website 
contains a comprehensive list of Spain's NGOs and links to their 
websites: [search 
FromResult]=0.  Other internet listings of volunteer opportunities 
are and 
--------------------------------------------- -- 
Catholic Church's Significant Volunteer Profile 
--------------------------------------------- -- 
17.   The Catholic Church's social work in Spain is primarily 
through Caritas, its official social and charitable arm.  Caritas is 
an international charitable organization with a presence in 198 
countries.  Its official goal is to inform, support and raise 
awareness of poverty, its causes and consequences and offer 
opportunities for people to participate to induce change.   The 
Spanish Caritas network is comprised of 5,000 Caritas parishes, 68 
Dioceses and their corresponding regional and autonomous parts.  In 
Spain, Caritas has 65,000 active volunteers, which Caritas claims to 
be 90 percent of Spain's active volunteer pool.  Its 185 million 
euro budget makes it one of the wealthiest NGOs in Spain.  Caritas' 
activities are wide ranging; volunteers work with the homeless, drug 
dependents, prison populations and ex-convicts, the elderly, women, 
immigrants, youth, the disabled and others. 
It also has an analytical branch, the Fundacisn para el Fomento de 
Estudios Sociales y de Sociologa Avanzada (FOESSA), which examines 
social statistics in Spain and also maintains documentation of its 
18.  The Spanish press actively promotes volunteerism.   At regular 
intervals, the major newspapers run articles, typically in weekend 
"lifestyle" supplements or magazines geared toward women, about the 
importance of volunteerism.  These press articles are accompanied by 
listing of volunteer opportunities with contact information. 
Embassy Community Charitable Contributions and Volunteerism 
19. The U.S. Embassy in Madrid has many connections with the 
volunteer sector in Spain.  Students in the International 
Baccalaureate Program at The American School, attended by many 
children of Embassy staff, are required to participate in community 
service activities as part of their curriculum.  This year the 
students raised over 4,000 euros for Operation Smile.  The American 
Women's Club in Madrid holds an annual fundraiser to support its 
volunteer activities.   The British Ladies Association's charity 
shop is staffed by volunteers who raise money for local charities. 
The Diplomatic Women's Association raises charitable funds via its 
annual October Bazaar; this year, almost 50 embassies participated. 
 Our Embassy's American Employee Association donates money to worthy 
causes.  This year Embassy fundraising supported the Centro de 
Asistencia a Vctimas de Agresiones Sexuales (CAVAS), another 
organization, SAF, as well as the above mentioned Diplomatic Women's 
Association.  CAVAS has a close relationship with the Embassy as it 
often works with the Consular Section and Fraud Prevention Unit of 
the Embassy.  The Embassy Marines support the U.S. program, Toys for 
Tots, each Christmas and donate items to a local orphanage --the 
2008 recipient was Hogar Nuestra Senora de los Desamparados. 
20.  Individuals within the Embassy community, officers and family 
members, volunteer with local faith-based organizations or their 
children's schools.  Many parents volunteer with sporting or 
scouting programs.  Additionally, Embassy family members and summer 
interns have volunteered their time supporting diplomatic outreach 
activities in the U.S. interest, including the Public Affairs 
Section's speaker program at primary and secondary schools, and 
youth activities at cultural events. 
21.  A sample of some volunteer organizations in Madrid includes: 
Cruz Roja - 
Accion Familiar - 
Rescate - 
Manos Unidos - 
Alzheimers - 
Save the Children - 
Intermon Oxfam - 
Caritas - 
Asociacion Infantil de Oncologia de Madrid - +34 91 504 0998 
Comision Espanola de Ayuda al Refugiado - 
Solidarios para el desarrollo - 
Coordinadora Estatal de Asociaciones de Apoyo al Pueblo Saharaui - 
+34 91 531 7604 
Fundacion Deporte y Desafio 
Banco de Alimentos - 
Amigos de los Mayores - 
Global Nature Fundacion - 
Asociacion Nacional de los Animales - 
Apoyo Positivo (HIV/AIDS Support) - 
Asociacion Contra la Anorexia y Bulimia - 
Confederacion Espanola de Agrupaciones de Familiares y Personas con 
Enfermedad Mental - 
Asociacion de Ayuda a Familias de Drogodependientes -