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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
08PRETORIA2181 2008-10-03 14:19 2011-08-24 01:00 UNCLASSIFIED Embassy Pretoria
DE RUEHSA #2181/01 2771419
R 031419Z OCT 08
E.O. 12958:  N/A 
PRETORIA 00002181  001.2 OF 005 
1. (U) Inadequate math, science and technology (MST) education 
remains a serious problem in South Africa.  The Department of 
Education (DOE) and non-government education experts agree that 
there are multiple causes for the lack of MST skills, including 
under-qualified teachers, minimal resources, and insufficient 
student English language proficiency and comprehension.  The South 
African government (SAG), academia, private companies, and NGOs have 
established programs and projects to increase MST capacity.  DOE 
introduced focused, MST-teaching schools and MST matric (grade 
twelve) results are slowly rising, but the number of MST 
university-level students remains low.  DOE can prevent the loss of 
good teachers to overseas employment by improving remuneration 
packages, working conditions, and training resources for teachers. 
End Summary 
Improving MST Education - a National Strategy 
2.  (SBU) DOE officials Morongwa Masemola and Thomas Masango told 
EST FSN that the DOE developed a National Strategy for Mathematics, 
Science and Technology Education (NSMSTE) in 2001.  The strategy was 
designed to improve MST education through teacher and student 
education in performance-enhancing programs.  DOE initiated 
accredited, teacher- development programs such as the Advanced 
Certificate in Education (ACE), the National Professional Diploma in 
Education (NPDE) in 2002. Over 1,000 MST teachers have been trained 
to enhance their MST teaching skills.  DOE officials state that math 
enrollment has increased by 4.8 percent and science enrollment has 
increased by 11.4 percent at dedicated schools between 2001 and 
2002.  They added that the student aggregate math pass rate improved 
by 26.7 percent and the science pass rate rose by 33.7 percent 
between 2001 and 2004. 
3. (U) The Cabinet announced a priority list for MST education in 
2004.  This included setting performance targets for all schools, 
placing a qualified MST teacher in every classroom and increasing 
talent identification and enhancement capacity.  The Cabinet also 
encouraged establishing interactive digital content on MST through 
satellite, TV, Internet, print and multimedia educational portals. 
The SAG allocated over R92.1 billion ($11.8 billion) to education in 
2006, nearly 18 percent of its total spending. 
--------------------------------------------- --- 
Improving the MST Subject Content - Revising the National Curriculum 
--------------------------------------------- --- 
4. (U) DOE formulated the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), which 
was designed to bring change to the content of MST education in 
2008.  The new curriculum is an improvement on the older curriculum, 
which was an outcome based education system introduced in 2001 to 
improve teacher and learner skills to meet MST demands of the 21st 
century.  The revised curriculum simplifies teaching language, 
aligns curriculum with assessment, improves teacher training, 
provides student support materials and describes the achievement 
levels expected in a student at the end of grades one to nine. 
Grades ten to twelve must now take math or math literacy. Note: Math 
Literary involves teaching math through the application of math 
knowledge to everyday tasks, rather than complex math concepts. 
End Note.  DOE officials said a revised NCS, effective 2008, phased 
QEnd Note.  DOE officials said a revised NCS, effective 2008, phased 
out the standard and higher grades learning systems, which 
encouraged most students to learn MST at the lower standard grade, 
as opposed to higher grade level, because it seemed relatively 
easier.  Learning MST at the standard grade level produced matric 
students who could not qualify for entrance to universities. 
Some Teachers Struggle 
5. (U) The NCS requires provinces to conduct workshops for teachers 
and accredit the teachers.  The DOE provides short-term grants to 
develop and maintain collaboration among teachers, with qualified 
MST teachers acting as mentors.  DOE officials acknowledged that 
some teachers, especially those with a two-year junior college 
diploma, were uncomfortable with the new curriculum because they 
believed that it contained first-year university material, which was 
above their level of training.  Teachers also complained that the 
government did not provide adequate preparation to implement and 
teach such a complex program. 
PRETORIA 00002181  002.2 OF 005 
Dinaledi Focus Schools 
6. (U) DOE established focus schools known as Dinaledi (Stars) 
schools to improve MST enrollment and performance in grade twelve in 
historically disadvantaged schools.  Schools chosen by DOE to become 
Dinaledi schools were institutions with good academic performance, 
but were under-resourced.  DOE officials reasoned that these schools 
had the best potential for improved MST participation and 
performance.  The Cabinet-approved program started with 102 schools 
in 2001, and increased to 488 in 2007, and now includes some private 
schools.  Dinaledi schools are funded by a special government 
budget, and by private sponsors.  National and provincial 
coordinators work to accelerate implementation and delivery at 
provincial and local levels. 
--------------------------------------------- --- 
Department of Science and Technology Involvement 
--------------------------------------------- --- 
7. (SBU) Department of Science and Technology (DST) Science and 
Youth Programs (SYP) Deputy Director Koki Selepe reported that DST 
launched the SYP Initiative to provide support to MST education in 
schools and higher education institutions in all the provinces. 
Selepe said SYP activities include establishing science centers, 
identifying talented students, and encouraging science Olympiads, 
competitions and science camps.  SYP targets high school and 
undergraduate students, as well as students who have left school. 
Selepe noted that DST also conducts workshops for teachers and 
students during school holidays, and provides curriculum support to 
teachers.  DST intends to establish science centers throughout the 
country.  Selepe conceded that SYP's success rate is not yet 
determined.  She explained that DST commissioned the Human Sciences 
Research Council in 2008 to evaluate and monitor the progress of the 
various camps and learning centers. 
8. (U) DST supported over 150 lecturers from higher education 
institutions and over 1,300 school educators between 2005 and 2007. 
The DST has employed 125 unemployed science graduates, who function 
as project managers.  The graduates are trained through 
"UMBUSOBOMVU", a government-sponsored youth development fund. 
Trained students are then placed throughout the country as support 
staff for teachers.  Partners in the SYP projects include the South 
African Association for Science and Technology Advancement, South 
African Mathematics Foundation, South Africa Mathematics Society, 
and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.  DST has 
adopted 18 Dinaledi schools, two in each of the nine provinces. 
Multiple Challenges at Grassroots Level 
9. (U) Many South African schools are located in previously 
disadvantaged areas such as townships, informal settlements, farms 
and villages, where the majority of the students are black and 
resources are grossly lacking.  EST FSN visited schools in four 
provinces, all of which cited almost identical problems.  School 
officials state that many MST teachers are under-qualified, usually 
as a result of being educated under apartheid's two- tiered "Bantu" 
educational system.  The school officials agreed that their schools 
lacked adequate teaching resources, and that the government 
chronically delivered the textbooks late.  Laboratories are poorly 
Qchronically delivered the textbooks late.  Laboratories are poorly 
equipped; and libraries lack good books and Internet connections. 
Classes are large and overcrowded, with a teacher-student ratio 
averaging between 1 to 35 and 1 to 50.  The School officials also 
observed that many students lack knowledge of basic math, which 
forces teachers to spend too much time teaching basic math. 
(Comment.  The Public Affairs Section at the U.S. Consulate in 
Johannesburg notes that these challenges are compounded in urban 
township schools by the relative ease with which members of the 
emerging middle class can place their children in schools outside 
townships.  The remaining students come from families lacking the 
resources to transport their children to better-resourced schools. 
Indeed, at several schools with which the Public Affairs Section has 
run programs, children from child-led households make up a majority 
of the students.  End Comment). 
10. (U) Teachers also expressed concern that students often made 
poor subject choices, or did not choose subjects according to their 
strengths and capabilities.  Teachers attributed this problem to a 
lack of parental guidance, a problem intensified by either the 
parents' long absences or low educational levels.  Teachers noted 
PRETORIA 00002181  003.2 OF 005 
that many students were not motivated to focus on learning MST 
because they live alone, or must care for themselves and younger 
siblings while parents were away.  Teachers reported that working 
parents often came home only once-a-week or even once-a-month in 
some cases.  School officials also commented that many students come 
from extremely poor families; which forced students to take odd-jobs 
to earn money for food.  As one teacher said, "Their focus is on 
survival, not school". 
Lack of Commitment from Some Educators 
11. (SBU) University of Pretoria (UP) MST lecturer Ubbo Smith told 
EST FSN that UP conducts MST teachers' training programs for 
Mpumalanga provincial teachers, but not all teachers were equally 
committed to the programs.  Smith commented that the teachers 
traveled far, using public transport to arrive on time at UP, but 
they tended to give up halfway through the courses.  He noted that 
the number of participants decreased each week as the course 
progresses.  Smith lamented that the "pass one, pass all" approach 
also undermined the level commitment since all enrolled teachers 
receive a "pass," despite minimal attendance or performance.  He 
opined that most black teachers' training colleges and universities 
were institutions of political activity during the apartheid era, 
and many teachers still regard themselves as victims of apartheid, 
and do not accept responsibility for the current lack of MST skills 
in the country.  Smith emphasized that DOE must enact stricter 
policies if it wanted teachers to attain the wanted skills.  He also 
noted that scarce resources are spread so thinly, that there were no 
funds to support teacher training programs, and that there were few 
people to teach those programs.  (Comment.  The Public Affairs 
Section at the U.S. Consulate in Johannesburg notes that at many 
schools in disadvantaged areas, teacher absenteeism outpaces student 
absenteeism.  End Comment.) 
Language Remains a Barrier 
12. (SBU) Marang Center for Math and Science Education (WITS 
University) Professor Mamokgethi Setati emphasized that teaching 
math was a specialized skill requiring specialized training.  She 
said, "There is a distinction between teaching math to students, and 
teaching math-teaching skills to teachers".  Setati explained that 
teacher training must focus on pre-service or in-service training. 
She emphasized that language is a major barrier, noting that for 
most learners and teachers in the previously disadvantaged areas, 
English is a second or third language.  Setati noted that some 
teachers cannot teach math in English because they cannot speak it. 
She added that some teachers viewed MST as a major challenge for 
students, and that those teachers focus on less complex math to make 
math "bearable" for the students.  She concluded that DOE 
intervention programs were inadequate in both quantity and quality 
and that change had to be brought about at the policy level. 
13. (U) An Mpumalanga teacher told EST FSN that all subjects from 
grades one to three were taught in Ndebele.  Instruction is 
conducted in English beginning grade four.  The teacher said the 
curriculum then had to be adjusted to accommodate students with 
learning difficulties with English, a process made more difficult by 
Qlearning difficulties with English, a process made more difficult by 
the large class sizes.  The teacher noted that the brighter grade 
four children forge ahead while the weaker ones struggle to keep up 
or fall behind entirely. 
UNISA and Carnegie Step In 
14. (U) The University of South Africa (UNISA) established the 
Institute for Science and Technology Education (ISTE) with the 
financial assistance of the Carnegie Foundation in 2007.  ISTE's 
main objective is to develop and improve MST teaching capacity, 
using qualified scientists to train teachers in MST teaching 
techniques.  ISTE head Prof. Harrison Atagana told EST FSN that ISTE 
currently has 30 students training in ISTE's Masters of Science and 
PhD programs.  ISTE also conducts short courses for MST teachers 
from outside UNISA. 
USAID Intervention 
15. (U) USAID in Pretoria and Prince George Community College in 
Maryland sponsored groups of MST teachers, school administrators, 
and subject advisors that traveled to Maryland between 2003 and 
PRETORIA 00002181  004.2 OF 005 
2005.  The program trained 134 South African teachers in MST. 
Training focused on improving teaching strategies and methodologies, 
sharing advanced curriculum development methods, educational 
management and administration expertise, and sharing knowledge in 
developing and using outcomes-based-education teacher and learner 
support materials.  A group of South African teachers and education 
officials traveled to the U.S. to receive training at high schools, 
community colleges and state education departments.  This group 
gained experience from job-shadowing, on-the-job training, 
student-teaching type experiences, and attending MST institutes and 
planned workshops and educational seminars.  This program was 
discontinued due to limited USAID education funding levels. 
USAID/South Africa is working with AID/Washington to determine other 
options for supporting teacher training in MST through the Africa 
Education Initiative. 
USAID Registers Progress 
16. (SBU) USAID worked with the DOE and the provinces and provided 
$22.7 million through the Integrated Education Program (IEP) to 
implement a basic education training program in MST, targeting 30 
high schools and 82 primary schools in the Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal, 
Eastern Cape, and Northern Cape provinces, beginning in 2004 and 
ending in 2008.  IEP provided short and long-term teacher training 
support to improve student MST achievement in primary schools, and 
prepared curriculum to close the MST transition gap between primary 
and secondary school.  Some 24 Limpopo Provincial Education 
Department and IEP-funded teachers graduated from the University of 
Limpopo with Bachelor of Education degrees in September 2008.  The 
teachers are qualified to teach high school mathematics, science and 
technology at an advanced level. 
Successful Private Sector Intervention 
17. (SBU) Edumap College CEO Neville Melville told EST FSN that he 
decided to conduct his own research after observing the high black 
student failure rate in university level engineering studies. 
Melville said his survey showed that students from previously 
disadvantaged schools had poor communications skills and lacked 
training in innovative and practical thinking, problem solving and 
conceptualization.  With the financial assistance of private company 
sponsors, Melville formed Edumap in 1997 to help close these gaps. 
Edumap is a one-year teaching and training program to upgrade grade 
twelve scores for students who did not pass their matric.  The 
program provides additional academic tutoring, especially in 
accounting, math and science to students from financially and 
socio-economically disadvantaged communities. 
18. (U) Edumap is also designed to help students gain entry to and 
succeed at the university.  Students are exposed to high levels of 
MST teaching methods from qualified teachers and instructors. 
Melville said his students are taught how to handle large amounts of 
information and to meet time deadlines.  They learn business-life 
and computer skills, time management and a work ethic.  Melville 
said that to date, over 1,200 students have participated in the 
Edumap College, and that almost all improved their grade twelve 
scores.  He added that former students returned to be sponsors for 
the new students.  According to Melville, his students are better 
Qthe new students.  According to Melville, his students are better 
positioned to compete for financial support because of their 
excellent academic scores. 
Three-Band Educational System 
19. (U) South Africa has three bands of education: General Education 
and Training (GET) grades zero to nine (pre-primary); Further 
Education and Training (FET) grades ten to twelve (secondary); and 
Higher Education and Training (HED) (tertiary).  The SAG is focused 
on improving MST at the FET level, arguing that this is the point 
where students decide whether or not to attend university.  MST pass 
rate results hovered at 40 percent in the late 1990s, and have 
gradually increased to over 68 percent in 2005. 
--------------------------------------------- ----- 
Comment: an Uncertain Future - But All Is Not Lost 
--------------------------------------------- ----- 
20. (U) The SAG has good intentions in attempting to address the 
complex MST educational problem.  However, the SAG needs to 
coordinate with existing private sector programs since many of them 
PRETORIA 00002181  005.2 OF 005 
are more effective than the SAG's and have been operational for much 
longer.  Private sector program administrators would be willing to 
coordinate with the SAG but only if the SAG would be flexible enough 
to create a central coordinating body where this can happen, rather 
than for the SAG to try and impose its program on the existing 
private sector programs.  School principals and teachers could also 
adopt more proactive attitudes, such as establishing laboratories, 
collecting books for libraries and seeking extra MST lessons from 
universities.  Finally, the DOE can prevent the loss of good 
teachers to overseas employment and other domestic professions by 
improving remuneration packages, working conditions, and training 
resources for teachers. 