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Viewing cable 08STATE84006, GUIDANCE: UNAMI BRIEFING - 6 AUG 2008

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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
08STATE84006 2008-08-05 19:06 2011-08-24 16:30 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Secretary of State

DE RUEHC #4006 2181909
O 051906Z AUG 08
E.O. 12958: N/A 
1. (U) This is an action message.  USUN is authorized to 
draw from the points in para 2 below during the briefing 
on the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) scheduled for 
August 6. 
2. (U) Begin points: 
-- I am pleased to report to the Security Council on 
behalf of the Multinational Force in Iraq (MNF-I). I would 
like to begin by thanking [Special Representative de 
Mistura] for his briefing on the important work undertaken 
by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) 
and extend our appreciation to him and our UN colleagues 
on the ground in Iraq for their ongoing dedication and 
hard work. 
-- Today, on behalf of MNF-I, I would like to discuss 
seven points on the progress achieved thus far. 
-- First, let me address the sustained decrease in 
security incidents and violence. For the past three 
months, total security incidents have remained at their 
lowest level in over four years. According to MNF-I 
statistics, in just the last year, since June 2007: 
-- The overall number of attacks have decreased by 82%; 
-- Civilian deaths due to violence have decreased by 78%; 
-- Iraqi Security Force deaths have decreased 73%; 
-- U.S. military and total coalition military deaths have 
decreased 72%; 
-- IED explosions have decreased 75%; 
-- Suicide explosions have decreased 67 %; and 
-- Ethno-sectarian deaths have decreased by more than 90%. 
-- The level of violence in Iraq has decreased sharply 
based upon nearly every metric  MNF-I uses.  For two and a 
half months, security incidents have remained at levels 
not seen since March 2004.  For instance, in the past two 
months alone, ethno-sectarian attacks decreased from seven 
in June to two in July. 
-- Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces have achieved these 
security gains even as MNF-I has drawn down forces from 
surge levels. The last of the five surge Brigade Combat 
Teams, as well as the Marine Expeditionary Unit, and two 
Marine Battalions have left Iraq without replacement. 
-- On-going security operations in Basrah, Sadr City, 
Mosul, Amarah, and Diyala have produced encouraging 
results, further degrading the capabilities of al Qaeda in 
Iraq and reducing the influence of illegal militias in 
strategic Iraqi cities. Nonetheless, al Qaeda in Iraq 
remains a serious threat, particularly in the north. They 
retain the intent and the capability of carrying out 
attacks, and their use of person-borne improvised 
explosive devices and female suicide bombers remain key 
-- We also remain concerned by the flow of foreign 
fighters and lethal aid into Iraq. Syria is the primary 
gateway for foreign terrorists moving into Iraq and the 
Government of Syria must do more to halt the operation of 
foreign fighter networks within its territory. 
-- During the recent operations in Basrah, Sadr City, and 
Maysan, Iraqi troops uncovered convincing evidence that 
Iranian lethal aid has continued to flow into Iraq. In 
addition, during these operations, numerous Special Group 
criminals fled to Iran, where they received sanctuary. The 
lethal activities of Iran's Islamic Republican Guards 
Corps-Qods Force contradict Iran's publicly stated policy 
of supporting the Iraqi Government and must cease. 
-- Second, I would like to describe the continuing 
increase in the capability of the Iraqi Security Forces, 
which has contributed substantially to the improvements in 
the security environment.  More than 580,000 personnel now 
serve in the Iraqi Security Forces, which represents an 
increase of over 15,000 personnel since I last reported to 
you in June. 
-- As of late July 2008, 152 Iraqi Army Combat battalions 
are conducting operations representing an increase of five 
combat battalions since my last report.  66 % or 100 of 
these combat battalions are assessed as "in the lead" for 
operations.  A significant number of battalions are 
currently in force generation, and even more are planned 
to join the force during the remainder of this year. 
-- The Iraqi Air Force and Navy have made substantial 
progress as well. The Iraqi Navy is now conducting an 
average of 42 independent patrols per week in Iraqi 
territorial waters, a twenty percent increase in the past 
two months. In addition, the Iraqi Navy also maintains 
security responsibility for the port of Umm Qasr. The 
Iraqi Air Force is providing support to counterinsurgency 
operations through intelligence, surveillance, and 
reconnaissance patrols of Iraqi borders and critical 
electric and oil infrastructure. These efforts have 
resulted in the capture of insurgents and identification 
of damaged infrastructure allowing the Government of Iraq 
to expedite repairs and re-establish essential services. 
Furthermore, the Iraqi Air Force have proven themselves 
very capable during combat operations in Basrah, Sadr 
City, Mosul, Amarah, and Diyala, by successfully 
conducting transport missions, reconnaissance, and 
casualty evacuation. 
-- The National Police also continue to increase their 
effectiveness and they are continuing efforts to achieve 
better ethno-sectarian balance within the force both 
through recruiting and assignments, so that force 
demographics reflect the Iraqi population. The National 
Police forces have conducted more than 15 operational 
deployments outside of Baghdad, most recently in Basrah, 
Mosul and Baqubah.  This increased effectiveness and 
deployability marks the beginning of a transition from a 
static, Baghdad-centric force to a rapid response force 
for the Government of Iraq. 
-- Third, I would like to provide an update on the 
Coalition role. The support of the thirty countries 
contributing to the Coalition, NATO's training mission, 
and UNAMI's operations is critical to the success of Iraqi 
efforts to build a stable and secure country. Coalition 
members other than the United States contribute over 9,000 
forces to the Multi-National Force, and another 450 
personnel to UNAMI.  Every contributor, large and small, 
plays a critical role -- from the Azeris, who have 
provided security at the Haditha Dam since 2003, to the 
Romanians, who provide route security within the Dhi Qar 
and Muthanna provinces. We also welcome the assistance of 
countries that continue to provide security for UN 
personnel, and who have contributed to the UN trust fund. 
We remain committed to ensuring that the United Nations 
receives the guarantees necessary for it to sustain and 
expand its robust presence in Iraq. 
-- Fourth, I would like to emphasize that MNF-I is 
continuing to progressively transfer responsibility for 
security to the Government of Iraq. Ten out of eighteen 
provinces are now under provincial Iraqi control, with 
Qadisiyah Province having transitioned on July 16th; 
additional provinces are expected to transition by the end 
of this year. 
-- In June, the Iraqi Government continued its offensive 
against illegal armed groups and the Special Groups, 
through operation "Tidings of Peace" in Maysan, which 
focused on securing the capital, Amarah, as well as the 
border and smaller cities. Several senior provincial 
officials were arrested, and Iraqi Security Forces seized 
numerous Iranian-origin weapons caches. Such operations 
show the willingness of Prime Minister Maliki and Iraq's 
government to confront militants, regardless of their sect 
or ethnicity and secure the country against the threat of 
malign Iranian influence. 
-- Iraqi security forces, working alongside local groups, 
have also conducted operations in Mosul against al-Qa'ida 
elements. Operations "Mother of Two-Rivers" and "Lion's 
Roar" denied al Qaeda sanctuary in the urban areas of 
Ninewa province and captured and killed several AQI 
leaders.  They are now fully engaged in security 
operations in Diyala Province. 
-- Iraqi Security Forces have significantly extended their 
control, not only through the execution of military 
operations, but also through the facilitation of 
humanitarian assistance and the restoration of basic 
services. Following the military operations in Maysan 
Province, the Government of Iraq has begun to implement a 
$102 million program to refurbish and rebuild schools, 
develop municipalities, improve electricity and health 
services, build-up the police forces, and provide clean 
water and unemployment assistance. This initiative follows 
similar reconstruction efforts to reduce the appeal of 
militant groups in Basrah, Sadr City, and Mosul. 
-- The fifth point I would like to discuss is political 
reconciliation. The willingness of the Government of Iraq 
to confront militias, regardless of sect, has encouraged 
Tawafuq to reconcile its internal differences and return 
its ministers to the government, thereby providing an 
additional avenue for Sunni participation in the political 
process. In late July, six ministers representing the 
Sunni Coalition were approved for the cabinet and four new 
Shia ministers have filled vacant Sadrist seats. 
-- UNAMI remains deeply engaged in assisting the 
Government of Iraq in various political and diplomatic 
activities, including addressing internal border issues, 
promoting regional dialogue, and assisting Internally 
Displaced Persons and refugees. Recently, UNAMI has been 
instrumental in advising the Council of Representatives 
committee members in the preparation of the Provincial 
Elections Law, and the Iraq High Elections Committee as 
they prepared for and started voter registration on July 
15. The debate that has preceded this law as a sign of a 
vibrant and healthy democratic process, but the time has 
arrived when the Council of Representatives needs to vote 
to pass this critical bill. We are also encouraged by 
UNAMI's plans to expand its presence in Iraq and believe 
that the assistance of the United Nations will be critical 
to Iraq's long-term development and stability. The 
proposed UN compound in Baghdad will ensure that UNAMI is 
able to continue its important role in Iraq, and we look 
forward to Iraqi support to ensure these facilities are 
-- Sixth, I would like to stress the importance of Iraq's 
neighbors in supporting Iraq's efforts to provide 
security, achieve political progress, and build its 
economy.  The Government of Iraq's security successes have 
fostered international confidence.  Bahrain, Jordan, 
Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates have all named 
ambassadors to Iraq and other neighbors, including Turkey 
have recently sent high-level delegations to Baghdad.  We 
hope that others in the region will follow their example. 
-- Finally, I want to highlight that negotiations continue 
between the United States and the Iraqi government on our 
transitioning relationship, including with respect to 
security, that will recognize the increasing ability of 
the Iraqi Security Forces to assume greater responsibility 
for security and stability. 
-- Mr. President, the report of the Secretary-General, 
which is before the Security Council today, highlights the 
sustainable progress that has been achieved by the Iraqi 
Government, with the assistance of the United Nations and 
the support of the MNF-I and Iraqi Security Forces. The 
international community supports a free, democratic, 
pluralistic, federal, and unified Iraq, and I call upon 
all parties to renew their commitment to assist the 
Government of Iraq.