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Viewing cable 08JERUSALEM1028, SECURITY INCIDENTS - June 9 - June 15, 2008.

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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
08JERUSALEM1028 2008-06-19 04:27 2011-08-24 01:00 UNCLASSIFIED Consulate Jerusalem
R 190427Z JUN 08
E.O. 12958: N/A 
SUBJECT: SECURITY INCIDENTS - June 9 - June 15, 2008. 
1. The following security incidents were compiled from RSO sources, 
to include both Israeli and Palestinian security contacts, 
government officials and publications. These were gathered over the 
previous week and collected in a database. The information is used 
by the RSO to determine the security situation and trends of 
political, inter-factional and inter-family violence throughout the 
West Bank and Gaza. The weekly information is also plotted onto maps 
reflecting numbers of different incidents by location. It is also 
shared with Post Country Team and OSAC members on a daily basis for 
purposes of security awareness and is passed to the Visa Vipers 
2. The following is a list of security incidents for the period of 
June 9 - June 15, 2008 for JERUSALEM, the WEST BANK, and GAZA from 
the RSO database compiled and maintained by the FSNIs: 
06/10/08- Jenin: At 0300 hrs, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) troops 
entered the city and conducted a search operation.  No injuries were 
reported.  Jenin Refugee Camp: At 0300 hrs, IDF troops entered the 
camp and conducted a search operation.  No injuries were reported. 
06/11/08- Jenin Refugee Camp: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the 
camp and arrested the following six Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) 
militants: Muhammad Jamal Tubasi (23), Muhammad Abd al-Turkman (19), 
Ibrahim Assad Abu Qalafah(30), Muslah Balalu(48), Tha'yr Muslah 
Balalu (20), and Ibrahim Muslah Balalu (19).  Kufr Dan, northwest of 
Jenin:  At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the village and arrested PIJ 
militants Adham Taysyr al-Jamal (21) and Wa'yl Mustafa Abd al-Latif 
Abad (19). 
06/12/08- Burqin, west of Jenin: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the 
village and arrested the following three PIJ militants:  Tha'yr Ali 
Muhammad Salamah (20), Muhammad Mahmud Qassam Shalamaysh (20), and 
Ahmad Yassin Ahmad Yassin Qalaf (21).  Maythalun, west of Jenin: At 
0200 hrs, IDF entered the village and arrested PIJ militant Tawfayq 
Asad Rabay'a (20). 
06/13/08- Rumanah, west of Jenin: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered 
the village and arrested PIJ militants Amayd Tawfayq Umur (21) and 
Hussam Muhammad Bushnaq (34).  Al-Far'a Refugee Camp: At 0400 hrs, 
IDF troops entered the camp and clashed with locals.  During the 
clashes, Palestinians threw an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) at 
the troops.  No injuries were reported.  IDF troops used tear gas 
and stun grenades to disperse the crowd; Ahmad Qayad Abd al-Ghani 
Ayad (18) was injured.  Bayt Qad, east of Jenin: Palestinian 
Authority Security Forces (PASF) officers opened a new police 
station in the village. 
06/15/08- Jenin Refugee Camp:  At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the 
camp and searched the office of Palestinian lawyer Qarraz al-Sadi. 
During the operation, there was an exchange of fire between 
Palestinian militants and IDF troops.  Palestinian militants 
remotely detonated a 20 kilogram IED during the firefight; no 
injuries were reported. 
06/10/08- Eliyahu Checkpoint, near Azzun, east of Qalqilya: At 1600 
hrs, IDF troops arrested Ahmad Rashid Abd al-Rahman Qadura (17). 
Siniriya, southeast of Qalqilya: At 1800 hrs, IDF troops entered the 
village and conducted a search operation.  No injuries were 
06/11/08- Qalqilya: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the city and 
arrested PIJ militants Ala'a Nabhan (25) and Ahmad Abd al-Latif 
Thayab (26).  IDF Mobile Checkpoint, near Bidya, southeast of 
Qalqilya: At 1230 hrs, IDF troops arrested Rashid Abd al-Rahman with 
a 7cm long knife in his possession. 
06/12/08- Azzun, east of Qalqilya: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered 
the village and conducted a search operation.  No injuries were 
06/13/08- Qalqilya: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the city and 
arrested PIJ militant Iyad Sabri (19). 
06/14/08- Jayus, northeast of Qalqilya: At 0800 hrs, PASF officers 
arrested six Palestinians wanted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) 
for criminal activities. 
06/09/08- Attil: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the village and 
conducted a search operation.  No injuries were reported. 
06/11/08- Tulkarem: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the city and 
conducted a search operation.  No injuries were reported. 
06/12/08- Tulkarem: At 0100 hrs, an IED accidentally detonated in a 
local house.  No injuries were reported. 
06/10/08- Kufr Qalil, south of Nablus: At 0200 hrs, there was an 
exchange of fire between Palestinian militants and IDF troops 
conducting a search operation in the village.  No injuries were 
06/11/08- Balata Refugee Camp: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the 
camp and arrested Fatah militants Anas Bassam Iways (17) and Fahmi 
Salah Musalam (18).  During the operation, there was an exchange of 
fire between Palestinian militants and IDF troops.  No injuries were 
06/12/08- Nablus: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the city and 
arrested Fatah militants Abd al-Athaym Muhammad Abd al-Athaym Bukari 
(22) and Mahmud al-Bubali (20).  Ayn Abus, south of Nablus: At 0400 
hrs, Israeli settlers from Yitzhar Settlement clashed with 
Palestinians; Samir Mustafa al-Haj Ali (25) and Ahmad Qalaf Muhammad 
Abd al-Hamayd (33) were injured.  Nablus: At 1600 hrs, Israeli 
National Police (INP) officers arrested two Israeli settlers on 
suspicion of shooting at Palestinians.  Later, the suspects were 
released due to lack of evidence.  Al-Luban ash Sharqiya, south of 
Nablus: At 1400 hrs, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli vehicles. 
No injuries were reported. 
06/13/08- Huwwara, south of Nablus: At 1400 hrs, Palestinians threw 
stones at an Israeli vehicle.  No injuries were reported. 
06/14/08- Al-Zawah, southwest of Nablus: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops 
entered the village and arrested PIJ militants Ra'yd Muhammad Ghalab 
Shqayr (29) and Sabah al-Ghazawi (22). 
06/10/08- Gitit Checkpoint, north of Jericho: At 2200 hrs, IDF 
troops arrested two Palestinians with a 10cm long knife in their 
06/14/08- DCO Checkpoint, south of Jericho: At 1200 hrs, IDF troops 
arrested Muhammad Ahmad Abd al-Halaym Qlayl (28). 
06/09/08- Ramallah: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the city and 
conducted a search operation.  No injuries were reported.  Ramun, 
northeast of Ramallah: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the village 
and conducted a search operation.  No injuries were reported. 
Ni'lin, northwest of Ramallah:  At 1900 hrs, 150 Palestinian and 
Israeli peace activists held a demonstration against the 
construction of the security/separation barrier.  IDF troops used 
tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowd.  Seven protestors 
were injured. 
06/10/08- Jaba Checkpoint, south of Ramallah: At 1345 hrs, IDF 
troops arrested a Palestinian female with a 13cm long knife in her 
possession.  The suspect admitted that she planned to stab an 
06/11/08- Al-Jilazun Refugee Camp: At 0100 hrs, IDF troops entered 
the camp and arrested Hamas militant Ibrahim Samih Shatat (30). 
Al-Birah, north of Ramallah: At 0100 hrs, IDF troops entered the 
village and arrested Hamas militant Firas Sulayman Abad (35). 
Ni'lin, northwest of Ramallah:  At 1300 hrs, Palestinian and Israeli 
peace activists held a demonstration against the construction of the 
security/separation barrier.  IDF troops used tear gas and stun 
grenades to disperse the crowd; eight Palestinians and one IDF 
soldier were injured.  Al-Mazra'a ash Sharqiya, northeast of 
Ramallah: At 2130 hrs, Palestinians threw stones at an Israeli 
vehicle.  No injuries were reported. 
06/12/08- Ramallah: At 2300 hrs, IDF troops entered the city and 
arrested al-Aqsa Brigades (AB) militant Amjad Badharin (22), who was 
wanted for shooting towards IDF troops. 
06/13/08- Bil'in village, west of Ramallah: At 1330 hrs, Palestinian 
and Israeli peace activists held a demonstration against the 
construction of the security/separation barrier.  IDF troops used 
tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowd.  Two Palestinians 
and one Israeli were injured. 
06/14/08- Ramallah: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops entered the city and 
arrested PIJ militant Ibrahim Tmalah. 
06/10/08- Az-Za'ym Checkpoint, Ma'ale Adumim Settlement: At 1200 
hrs, IDF troops arrested eight Palestinians without proper work 
06/11/08- In front of the Knesset: At 1030 hrs, Israelis living 
around the Gaza Strip held a demonstration, asking the Israeli 
government to stop the rocket and mortar shelling of their 
settlements.  The demonstration ended peacefully. 
06/12/08- Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops 
entered and conducted a search operation.  No injuries were 
reported.  French Hill Bridge: At 1730 hrs, Palestinians threw 
stones at Israeli vehicles; no injuries were reported.  One 
Palestinian (14) was arrested.  Al-Azariyyah, east of Jerusalem: At 
2200 hrs, during a search operation in the village, IDF troops found 
an ammunition cache containing several magazines for a "Galil" 
assault rifle. 
06/15/08- Anata, east of Jerusalem: At 1400 hrs, IDF troops entered 
the village and arrested one Palestinian. 
06/11/08- Al-Ma'sara, southwest of Bethlehem: At 0200 hrs, IDF 
troops entered the village and arrested Hamas militant Mahmud Abd 
al-Qarim Zawahrah (21).  Safa, southeast of Bethlehem: At 0200 hrs, 
IDF troops entered the village and conducted a search operation.  No 
injuries were reported.  Husan village, northwest of Bethlehem: At 
2230 hrs, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli vehicles.  One 
Israeli was injured. 
06/12/08- Husan, northwest of Bethlehem: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops 
entered the village and arrested Muhammad Basam Hamamrah (23). 
06/13/08- Al-Ma'sara, west of Bethlehem: At 1230 hrs, Palestinian 
and Israeli peace activists held a demonstration against the 
construction of the security/separation barrier.  IDF troops used 
tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowd; five Palestinians 
were injured.  Al-Qadr, southwest of Bethlehem: At 1230 hrs, 
Palestinians held a demonstration against the construction of the 
security/separation barrier.  No injuries were reported.  Husan, 
northwest of Bethlehem: At 1800 hrs, Palestinians threw stones at 
Israeli vehicles.  One Israeli was injured. 
06/14/08- Al-Duhayshah Refugee Camp, southwest of Bethlehem: At 2100 
hrs, IDF troops entered the camp and clashed with locals.  Three 
Israeli soldiers and eleven Palestinians were injured. 
06/09/08- Al-Fawwar Refugee Camp: At 0300 hrs, IDF troops entered 
the camp and conducted a search operation.  No injuries were 
reported.  Bayt Ummar, north of Hebron: At 1800 hrs, IDF troops 
entered the village and arrested Sufyan Zyad Mahmud Qmays (16) and 
Ahmad Mahmud Abd al-Salam al-Lami (16) on suspicion of throwing 
stones at Israeli vehicles.  Tarqumiya, northwest of Hebron: At 2130 
hrs, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli vehicles.  No injuries 
were reported.  Bayt Ummar, north of Hebron: At 2230 hrs, Sayd Ahmad 
Muhsin al-Za'aqiq (17) was shot and injured after he threw a Molotov 
cocktail at an IDF patrol vehicle. 
Israeli Prison Authority (IPA) sentenced PIJ militant Yusif Ahmad 
Rashid Sabarnah to five years of incarceration for his active 
membership in the organization. 
06/11/08- Dura, southwest of Hebron: At 0100 hrs, IDF troops entered 
the village and arrested the following four Hamas militants: Hashim 
Taym al-Arjub, Qalaf Ayd Jbara al-Talahmah, Issa Muhammad Issa 
al-Namura, and Tha'yr Bakr Ahmad Abu Arqub.  Tarqumiya, northwest of 
Hebron: At 0100 hrs, IDF troops entered the village and arrested 
Hamas militants Qalid Shahrur al-Suwayti (39) and Mahdi Shahrur 
al-Suwayti (28).  Bayt Ummar, north of Hebron: At 0100 hrs, IDF 
troops entered the village and arrested the following three Hamas 
militants:  Qamal Mahmud Issa al-Za'aqiq, Layth Muhammad Ahmad 
Ismayl Aday, and Ummar Nasr Abd al-Hamid Abu Mariya. 
06/12/08- Tarqumiya, northwest of Hebron: At 1900 hrs, Palestinians 
threw stones at Israeli vehicles.  No injuries were reported. 
06/13/08- Hebron: At 0200 hrs, IDF troops arrested Hamas militant 
Nadir Abd al-Hafath Abu Mayalah (28).  Thahrayah, south of Hebron: 
At 1600 hrs, there was an exchange of fire during an armed family 
dispute; Wa'al Musa al-Batat was killed. 
Gaza Strip 
06/09/08- Khan Yunis: At 0300 hrs, there was an exchange of fire 
between Palestinian militants and IDF troops conducting a search 
operation in the area.  No injuries were reported.  Rafah: At 1730 
hrs, Fadi Qalifah (20) and Majdi Abd al-Jawad Qdayr (27) were killed 
when a tunnel used for smuggling collapsed on them.  Security fence, 
near Kissufim Crossing: at 2130 hrs, Palestinian militants detonated 
an IED near the security fence.  No injuries were reported.  Khan 
Yunis: At 2200 hrs, IDF troops opened fire on a Qassam launch site. 
No injuries were reported. 
06/10/08- Khan Yunis: At 0100 hrs, there was a heavy exchange of 
fire between Hamas militants and IDF troops conducting a combat 
engineering operation.  No injuries were reported.  Dir al-Balah: At 
0100 hrs, there was an exchange of fire between Executive Security 
Force (ESF) militants and arms dealers from the Abu Gharrabah 
family.  No injuries were reported.  Seven Palestinians were 
arrested.  Rafah: At 0500 hrs, there was a heavy exchange of fire 
between Hamas militants and IDF troops conducting a combat 
engineering operation.  No injuries were reported.  Two Palestinians 
were arrested.  Gaza City: At 0630 hrs, IDF troops opened fire on a 
Qassam launch site; no injuries were reported.  Gaza City: At 1200 
hrs, IDF troops opened fire on a Hamas mortar squad launching mortar 
shells towards Nahal Oz.  Hamas militants Ahmad al-Safadi, Yahya 
Hamid, and Mustafa Attalah were killed and another five Palestinians 
were injured. 
06/11/08- Khan Yunis: At 0100 hrs, there was a heavy exchange of 
fire between Hamas militants and IDF troops conducting a combat 
engineering operation.  Hamas militant Ibrahim Mahmud Sa'ad al-Masri 
(20) and PIJ militant Yasir Muhammad Ayd Abu Halayb (26) were 
killed.  Hadil Abd al-Karim al-Smayry (7) was killed and Ahmad Simri 
(18) and Muhammad Majdi al-Fara (6) were severely injured in the 
crossfire.  Nussirat Refugee Camp: At 0300 hrs, an IED was detonated 
outside the house of a Hamas militant; no injuries were reported. 
Erez Crossing: At 1015 hrs, Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine (PFLP) militants opened fire on IDF installations at the 
crossing.  No injuries were reported.  Kibbutz Nir Oz: At 1030 hrs, 
four Israelis were injured when two mortar shells hit the "Nir Tal" 
factory they were working in.  Jabalaya: At 1230 hrs, Israeli Air 
Force (IAF) opened fire on a Qassam rocket launch site.  Muhammad 
Hussayn I'sayliya (55) was killed and Haba Muhammad Hussayn 
I'sayliya (10) was injured.  Rafah: At 1600 hrs, there was an 
exchange of fire during an armed family dispute; three Palestinians 
from the al-Hubi family were injured. 
06/12/08- Security fence, Bayt Lahiya: At 1130 hrs, IDF troops 
opened fire on a group of Palestinian militants planting an IED near 
the fence.  AB militants Qalid Ahmad Zaki Zuhd (21) and Muhammad 
Jamal Dulah (20) were killed.  Bayt Lahiya: At 1000 hrs, ESF 
militants arrested Muhammad Thayab and Bassam Ahmad.  Rafah: At 1230 
hrs, ESF militants arrested Fatah activists Imad Abd al-Wahab (35) 
and Hamid Abd al-Wahab.  Bayt Lahiya: At 1340 hrs, an IED 
accidentally detonated in the house of Hamas militant Ahmad Hamudah. 
The following seven Hamas militants were killed in the explosion: 
Majdi Adl Hamudah, Mahmud Ataya Hamudah, Hassan Abd al-Rauf Abu 
Shaqfah, Muhammad Sabri Abu al-Naja, Ashraf Naym Mushtaha Muhammad 
Hamdan Miqdad, Ahmad Munir Subuh, and Adal Hamudah.  Another 40 
Palestinians were injured.  Erez Crossing: At 1415 hrs, Hamas 
militants opened fire on an IDF installation at the crossing.  No 
injuries were reported.  Kibbutz Yad Mordechai: At 1455 hrs, an 
Israeli woman (50) was lightly injured when a Qassam rocket fell in 
the backyard of her house.  Bayt Lahiya: At 1540 hrs, IAF opened 
fire on a Qassam launch site; no injuries were reported.  Khan 
Yunis: At 1630 hrs, IAF opened fire on a Qassam launch site, 
injuring two Hamas militants.  Security fence, near Nativ Ha'asara: 
At 1620 hrs, under cover of heavy mortar fire, an armored and 
booby-trapped bulldozer manned by Palestinian militants attempted to 
run over the security fence.  IDF troops fired several anti-tank 
missiles towards the approaching vehicle.  The Palestinian militants 
abandoned the bulldozer and managed to escape unharmed. 
06/13/08- Dir al-Balah: At 1130 hrs, there was a heavy exchange of 
fire between Hamas militants and IDF troops conducting a combat 
engineering operation.  No injuries were reported.  Khan Yunis: At 
1600 hrs, IAF opened fire on a Qassam launch site.  One Palestinian 
child was injured.  Jabalaya Refugee Camp: At 2000 hrs, Hamas 
supporters held a demonstration against the Israeli siege on the 
Gaza Strip.  The demonstration ended peacefully.  Dir al-Balah: At 
2100 hrs, ESF militants arrested a Fatah activist.  Al-Maghazi 
Refugee Camp:  At 2230 hrs, Hamas supporters held a demonstration 
against the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip.  The demonstration 
ended peacefully. 
06/14/08- Bayt Hanun: At 0245 hrs, IAF opened fire on a group of 
Palestinian militants launching mortar shells towards Israel.  No 
injuries were reported.  Jabalaya: At 0600 hrs, there was an 
exchange of fire between Palestinian militants and IDF troops 
conducting a combat engineering operation.  No injuries were 
reported.  Rafah: At 1430 hrs, ESF militants arrested three Fatah 
activists.  Dayr al-Balah: At 1430 hrs, there was an exchange of 
fire between IDF troops and Hamas militants planting an IED near the 
security fence.  No injuries were reported.  Rafah: At 2000 hrs, 
Fatah supporters held a demonstration against the Hamas takeover in 
the Gaza Strip.  ESF militants dispersed the crowd. 
06/15/08- Gaza City: At 0100 hrs, there was an exchange of fire 
between ESF militants and unknown gunmen.  No injuries were 
reported.  Security fence, near Kissufim Crossing: At 1645 hrs, 
there was an exchange of fire between Palestinian militants and IDF 
troops conducting a combat engineering operation.  No injuries were 
reported.  Dayr al-Balah: At 2000 hrs, ESF militants arrested Fatah 
Secretary General Sami Abu Samra. 
3. Between 06/09/08 and 06/15/08, 28 Qassam rockets and 101 mortar 
shells were launched towards Israel.  Five Israelis were injured 
from these attacks.  Hamas claimed responsibility for 23 Qassam and 
76 mortar shell launchings.  PIJ claimed responsibility for two 
Qassam and six mortar shell launchings.  AB claimed responsibility 
for two Qassam and five mortar shell launchings.  Popular Resistance 
Committees (PRC) claimed responsibility for one Qassam and six 
mortar shell launchings.  PFLP claimed responsibility for five 
mortar shell launchings.  Democratic Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine (DFLP) claimed responsibility for three mortar shell 