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Reference ID | Created | Released | Classification | Origin |
06KABUL5124 | 2006-10-22 09:16 | 2011-08-24 01:00 | UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY | Embassy Kabul |
DE RUEHBUL #5124/01 2950916
P 220916Z OCT 06
E.O. 12958: N/A
¶1. (U) In order to comply with Leahy requirements per reftel, post
is forwarding the names and biodata of 355 Afghan officers selected
to serve as Colonels in Phase III of the Afghan National Police
(ANP) rank and reform process. The United Nations Misson in
Afghanistan (UNAMA) has vetted these individuals and has found no
credible evidence of human rights violations. Post is completing its
review of these individuals and requests, in the interest of time,
that the Department begin its review. We will inform Department when
our review is completed and provide any information concerning
credible evidence of human rights violations relevant to any of the
individuals listed, should such information become available. This
is the sixth segment in a series of six cables containing the ANP
¶2. (U) Officer data is as follows:
Mohammad Noor Noori
Age: 52
POB: Parwan
Father's Name: Khaja Noor
Father's Father: Ahmad Noor
Current Job: Member of Personnel Department
Ethnicity: Tajik
Habiburahman Afzail
Age: 47
POB: Kapisa
Father's Name: Mohammad Shah
Father's Father: Malik Mohammad Afzal
Current Job: CID of Kapisa Director
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Zainulabudeen Ziale
Age: 49
POB: Parwan
Father's Name: Zaiudeen
Father's Father: Zaheerudden
Current Job: Temporary Personnel Department
Ethnicity: Tajik
Abdul Qader
Age: 55
POB: Farah
Father's Name: Dien Moh
Father's Father: Zalbek
Current Job: CTC Herat Deputy
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Jamal Sha
Age: 54
POB: Ghazni
Father's Name: Amir Sha
Father's Father: Mohammad Sha
Current Job: Kandahar Counter Narcotic Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Khawja Zia An Hag
Age: 50
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Khawja Fazil Al Hag
Father's Father: Khawja Zafar
Current Job: Member of Honor Guard Unit
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Ahmad Shah Salim
Age: 47
POB: Ghor
Father's Name: Mohammad Salim
Father's Father: Rohullah
Current Job: Director of Media Department Kabul
Ethnicity: Tajik
Mohammad Saliaman
Age: 53
POB: Wardak
Father's Name: Ghulam Darwayh
Father's Father: Ghaweuddin
Current Job: Member of Logistic Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Shah Aga
Age: 46
POB: Laghman
Father's Name: Saida Shan
Father's Father: Sayed Batin Shah
Current Job: Logistics General Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Abdul Ghafar
Age: 50
POB: Laghman
Father's Name: Abdul Satar
Father's Father: Amir Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Wardak HQ
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Ghulam Hazrat Neyaz
Age: 50
POB: Wardak
Father's Name: Neyaz Mohammad
Father's Father: Door Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Wardak HQ
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Shir Ahmad Kochi
Age: 52
POB: Logar
Father's Name: Ghulam Razul
Father's Father: Khoday Rahim
Current Job: Chief of Staff Khost Brigade #2 Border Police
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Mirwais Shah Aziz
Age: 45
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Qadir Shah
Father's Father: Aziz Ahmad
Current Job: Director of Intelligence Ghazni
Ethnicity: Tajik
Mohammad Sharif Masood
Age: 48
POB: Wardak
Father's Name: Mohammad Akbar Khan
Father's Father: Mohammad Mir Khan
Current Job: Member of Traffic Depart
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Allah Mohammad Sangar Khail
Age: 49
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Said Jan
Father's Father: Ahmad Jan
Current Job: Member of Nooristan Police HQ
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Amanullah Malikzai
Age: 49
POB: Nangahar
Father's Name: Mohammad Shoaib
Father's Father: Malik Yar Mohammad
Current Job: CTC Nangahar Investigator
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Mohammad Ewaz Osoila
Age: 49
POB: Nangahar
Father's Name: Mohammad Shoaib
Father's Father: Malik Yar Mohammad
Current Job: CTC Nangahar Instruction
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Age: 54
POB: Nangahar
Father's Name: Besmullah
Father's Father: Yayajee
Current Job: Member of ABP Nangahar
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Moh Ziya
Age: 39
POB: Parwan
Father's Name: Moh Massa
Father's Father: Moh Molah
Current Job: Herat Police HQ
Ethnicity: Tajik
Mir Ghulam Bahauddin
Age: Unknown
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Mir Abdul Satar
Father's Father: Mir Abdul Qahar
Current Job: Narcotic (Overage)
Ethnicity: Unknown
Jama Khan Samandari
Age: 46
POB: Laghman
Father's Name: Samandari
Father's Father: Mohammad Amin
Current Job: Member of Logistic Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Jama Gul Ahmad Zia
Age: 49
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Akhtar Mohammad
Father's Father: Dad Mohammad
Current Job: Chief of Staff for MoI
Ethnicity: Tajik
Mohammad Reza Rezayee
Age: 53
POB: Wardak
Father's Name: Akhtar Mohammad
Father's Father: Dad Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Internal Affairs Department
Ethnicity: Tajik
Abdul Wahab Khetab
Age: 42
POB: Laghman
Father's Name: Fagir Mohammad
Father's Father: Mohammad Omer
Current Job: CID
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Mohammad Gul Amiri
Age: 54
POB: Wardak
Father's Name: Mohammad Khatab
Father's Father: Qamar Uldin
Current Job: Member of Terrorism Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Shah Abdul Ghraib Kohzad
Age: 54
POB: Wardak
Father's Name: Qorban Mohammad
Father's Father: Unknown
Current Job: CID
Ethnicity: Tajik
Nasir Ahmad Arghandi Wal
Age: 42
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Mohammad Yosag
Father's Father: Abdul Qadoos
Current Job: CID
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Abdul Jamil
Age: 45
POB: Parwan
Father's Name: Abdul Wakil
Father's Father: Abdul Adi
Current Job: Anti-terrorism Officer
Ethnicity: Tajik
Marajuddin Samimi
Age: 49
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Khasam Uddin
Father's Father: Najmuddin
Current Job: Member of Traffic Department
Ethnicity: Tajik
Rahim Qaada
Age: 46
POB: Baghlamn
Father's Name: Abdul Wahab
Father's Father: Hasan Gul
Current Job: Member of Traffic Department
Ethnicity: Tajik
Abdul Qaeder Hasan
Age: 43
POB: Kandahar
Father's Name: Gul Booz
Father's Father: Jan Booz
Current Job: Member of Construction Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Age: 37
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Haji Kheyali
Father's Father: Gul Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Construction Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Abdul Razag Shinwari
Age: 48
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Abdul Qadeer
Father's Father: Mir Dad
Current Job: Member of ABP Investigator
Ethnicity: Tajik
Noor Ahmad
Age: 53
POB: Nangahar
Father's Name: Mohammad Sarwar
Father's Father: Painda Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Security
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Abdul Rahman Karimi
Age: 51
POB: Ghor
Father's Name: Abul Mujid
Father's Father: Karim
Current Job: Personnel Department Officer
Ethnicity: Tajik
Nazir Ahmad
Age: 49
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Faiz Mohammad
Father's Father: Taj Mohammad
Current Job: Personnel Department Officer
Ethnicity: Tajik
Mohammad Hussein
Age: 50
POB: Ghazni
Father's Name: Mohammad Baqir
Father's Father: Sayed Abrahim
Current Job: Personnel Department Officer
Ethnicity: Hazara
Sultan Ahmed Sediqi
Age: 49
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Faqir Mohammad
Father's Father: Fazel Ahmed
Current Job: Personnel Department Officer
Ethnicity: Tajik
Abdul Alim Rahimi
Age: 55
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Abdul Rahim
Father's Father: Mohammad Nabi
Current Job: Member of Tashkil Department
Ethnicity: Unknown
Rashid Mohammad Aan
Age: 51
POB: Paktia
Father's Name: Nazar Mohammad
Father's Father: Melankhan
Current Job: Legal Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Shawali Safi
Age: 46
POB: Kapisa
Father's Name: Basoolai
Father's Father: Bajed Lai
Current Job: Personnel Department Officer
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Mirza Mohammad Chakari
Age: 50
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Ahmed Gul
Father's Father: Aziz Mohammad
Current Job: Radio Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Nagib Ullah Bawar
Age: 50
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Haya Ullah Khan
Father's Father: Abdullah Khan
Current Job: Radio Department
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Shah Mohammad Waziri
Age: 50
POB: Ghazni
Father's Name: Khan Mohammad
Father's Father: Zangi Khan
Current Job: Unknown
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Abdul Salam
Age: 50
POB: Khost
Father's Name: Talib
Father's Father: Halim Gul
Current Job: Police Academy Instructor
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Mortaza Kosham
Age: 54
POB: Parwan
Father's Name: Abdul Fatah
Father's Father: Mohammad Kabir
Current Job: Member of Logistic Department
Ethnicity: Tajik
Age: 46
POB: Kabul
Father's Name: Mohammad Kabair
Father's Father: Abdul Ghafoor
Current Job: Member of Medical Service Department
Ethnicity: Unknown
Shawali Nooristani
Age: 48
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Jamaludin
Father's Father: Dost Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Medical Service Department
Ethnicity: Unknown
Baz Mohammad Basharyar
Age: 48
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Yar Mohammad Khan
Father's Father: Sali Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Highway Police Department
Ethnicity: Unknown
Abdul Majid Khan Nahij
Age: 45
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Ayoob
Father's Father: Noor Mohammad
Current Job: Member of ABP Department
Ethnicity: Unknown
Nour Aaga
Age: 48
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Abdul Khaliq
Father's Father: Fazil Ahmadi
Current Job: Member of Kabul Traffic Department
Ethnicity: Unknown
Mohammad Omar
Age: 32
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Abdul Wali
Father's Father: Khoshdil
Current Job: Member of Kabul Airport Police
Ethnicity: Unknown
Mohammad Rajabkhari Omari
Age: 45
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Abdu Raouf
Father's Father: Muhammad Omar
Current Job: Member of ABP
Ethnicity: Unknown
Nasir Ahmad
Age: Unknown
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Aga Mohammad
Father's Father: Fath Mohammad
Current Job: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Mullah Nazer
Age: 48
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Dat Mohammad
Father's Father: Akhtar Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Kabul Police HQ
Ethnicity: Unknown
Age: 57
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Dor Mohammad
Father's Father: Khar Mohammad
Current Job: Member of Kabul Police HQ
Ethnicity: Unknown
Abdul Qader Dageeg
Age: 48
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Abdul Nabi
Father's Father: Ghulum Jan
Current Job: Member of Kabul Police HQ
Ethnicity: Unknown
Mohammad Masoum Stanekzai
Age: 57
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Mira Jan
Father's Father: Shir Jan
Current Job: Temporary Personnel Department
Ethnicity: Unknown
Mohammad Auob Niazair
Age: 53
POB: Unknown
Father's Name: Mohammad Niaz
Father's Father: Haji Nader
Current Job: Provincial Security Chief of Samangan
Ethnicity: Unknown
Abdul Wakil Khogyani
Age: 53
POB: Nangahar
Father's Name: Maroof Khan
Father's Father: Barakat Khan
Current Job: CTC Instructor
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Hayatullah Abdul Rahimzai
Age: 51
POB: Laghman
Father's Name: Abdul Raziq
Father's Father: Abdul Aziz
Current Job: Chief of CID Mossayee District, Kabul
Ethnicity: Pashtoon
Abdul Rahman
Age: 49
POB: Helmand
Father's Name: Abdul Aziz Khan
Father's Father: Gulam Haldar Khan
Current Job: Member of Traffic Department Helmand
Ethnicity: Pashtoon